April 17, 2012

FDA Protects Drug Companies Again?

Prescribing labels for Merck & Co's drugs for baldness and enlarged prostate will add reports of sexual side effects that continued after use of the medicines was stopped, U.S. health regulators said. Labels will be revised for Proscar, which treats symptoms of enlarged prostate, and hair-loss treatment Propecia, the Food and Drug Administration said. The active ingredient in both drugs is finasteride. The Propecia label will now include notification of problems with libido, ejaculation and orgasms that continued after use of the drug was ended. Proscar's label will include notification of decreased libido. – Reuters

Dominant Social Theme: So long as the FDA is on the case, we're fine with it.

Free-Market Analysis: We have just written several articles on regulation and suddenly we see our points in action. In the excerpt (above) we observe quite clearly what we call "regulatory capture."

The FDA supervises foods and drugs throughout the US but we cannot help but think the REAL reason for the FDA is to protect drug companies.

Drug companies and the power elite we write about often are closely aligned, in our view. When one examines the ownership of drug companies, familiar names are found at the top, the same individuals that seem to control central banking and even most if not all of mainstream media.

These dynastic families and their enablers and associates want to run the world it seems. Controlling medicine and what goes into people's bodies is an important part of building a global governance that has power over people's minds and lives.

Drug companies are the foundation of the Western medical model that is gruesomely efficient at creating a certain kind of society and medical consumer. Individuals are taught not to question their drug intake. Experts are trotted out to explain why medicine as currently constituted is "good" for you.

Likely it is not. There are other models, ancient ones such as acupuncture and herbal remedies. There is naturopathy that rejects the modern medical model entirely and claims that sicknesses may be in part symptoms of the body's attempts to get well.

As we have long predicted, medicine, like so much other "accepted wisdom" is being continually debunked during the growth of what we call the Internet Reformation. Much that people believed in is being questioned these days.

This also happened after the invention of the Gutenberg Press, from what we can tell. Then, much that society had been organized around began to be examined more critically, including the Catholic Church.

Recently, we discovered that vaccines were never double-blind tested for reasons having to do with "ethics."

But given all we've learned about the Way the World Really Works, we wouldn't be surprised if the real reason that vaccines were never scientifically tested has to do with the many side effects that are now becoming well known thanks to the Internet.

There is generally increased skepticism when it comes to so many of the elite's dominant social themes, whether they be global warming, the war on terror, or the efficacy of modern Western medicine. Here's what Mike Adams, the "health ranger," had to say about the FDA's announcement regarding Merck:

Hey, men! Looking for a way to ruin your sex life and become infertile? Try Propecia or Proscar, two drugs from the vaccine giant Merck, whose top vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman already admitted that Merck's vaccines contained "stealth viruses" that cause cancer.

Now, the FDA is finally – after years of delays and denials – calling for new warnings on the labels of male baldness drugs made by Merck. According to the FDA, Propecia and Proscar are now linked to:

• Ejaculation disorders (oops!)
• Libido disorders (not tonight, honey)
• Orgasm disorders (still nothing?)
• Erectile dysfunction (life is hard, but you're not)
• Male infertility (you're firing blanks, dude...)

And the best part about these male baldness drugs? These effects continue even after you stop using the drugs! ... So let's see: A guy starts to go bald and thinks his male virility is slowly slipping away, but at least he can still get erections without pills, he thinks to himself. So he reaches for Propecia or Proscar to solve his male baldness problem. But a month later, he might have another tuft of hair on his head, but his manhood has gone soft. And five months down the road, he's got so much hair that "chicks are digging me!" but in bed he's softer than a baseball bat made of Jell-O.

Adams also makes the point that in order to have an erection, a man taking baldness drugs might have to take ANOTHER drug like Viagra in order to have sex. This benefits drug companies but not the rest of us.

While the labels on the two baldness drugs will change, the larger issues remain the same. To an ordinary individual it would seem that the FDA's real business is protecting drug manufacturers not consumers.

DB contributor Ron Holland pointed this out in an article he wrote a while back entitled, "You'd Have To Be Crazy To Start a Global Business in the USA – As a Public Company." In the article, he mentioned that he has taken on the position of CEO of a start-up hair company. He wrote the following:

Actually, the United States will lose all the way around with this venture, at least for now. No American will be able to access the treatment in the US before we receive FDA approval, which will probably take years unless they travel outside the country. This delayed business in America will result in lost tax revenue for a federal government that is desperate for revenue.

Second, many hair-loss suffers will wish to seek immediate treatment rather than waiting on regulatory approval in their home countries. Fortunately, some countries, including popular international travel destinations, have positioned themselves as centers for innovation by avoiding paralyzing regulations.

The company that Ron Holland joined is called Biologix Hair Inc. (write to Mr. Holland there) and produces a mostly all-natural injectable solution that utilizes minerals, nutrients and vitamins to re-generate hair growth. It's treated thousands privately over the years with great results – roughly 9 of every 10 people treated re-grow their natural hair.

No reduction of the blood flow to the pelvis. No impotence. No need for Viagra.

The company has announced a treatment that revives dormant hair follicles that have been encapsulated in the scalp and effectively "frozen." The treatments developed by Biologix affiliated researchers unlock these hair cells and allow them to grow again.

Conclusion: A company like Biologix – based on nutrition and vitamin therapy – probably wouldn't have had much of a chance to be noticed pre-Internet. But with the constant exposures of the West's drug-oriented medical model and its many problems, the West's 20th century medical paradigm is beginning to crumble, or at least to be exposed. May the 21st century be freer and healthier than the 20th.

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