October 5, 2012

Obama wants to destroy American way of life

What a wake-up call for America. In his latest speech Obama stated that people who have succeeded in building businesses from the bottom up cannot claim credit for their individual success story. Off teleprompter, Obama finally unmasked himself and his radical left agenda by attacking the very engine which drives our nation’s economy, the free enterprise system and entrepreneurs. Clearly, the American way is not for Obama.

In 2008 his message of “hope and change” along with “fundamental transformation” of America was no doubt misunderstood by many Americans but the outcome of the “transformation” is clear. Consider the complete failure of his agenda, including but not limited to the taxpayer dollars which were poured into a stimulus package that did not work; Solyndra which closed; “shovel-ready jobs” that never surfaced; the government takeover of GMAC; collapse of the housing market; the “fast and furious” scandal in the Department of Justice; and Obama’s misuse of Executive Order to forcefeed his radical left views on the American people.

Putting further strain on the economy, his “signature” piece, “Obamacare,” will result in massive tax hikes, the rationing of health care, higher insurance premiums, government officials making end-of-life decisions, and redistribution of wealth to cover the millions of uninsured.

People are weary of Obama’s blame-game (”I inherited a bad economy” and “It’s Bush’s fault”). What they know is the jobless rate is more than 8.2 percent and when one factors in the number who stopped looking for work, the rate jumps to 11 percent.

I propose that the President knows exactly what he’s doing, and only by destroying America’s free enterprise system can he replace it with his vision of socialism which has failed in every nation it was tried. In order to redistribute the people’s hard-earned wealth, he proposes higher tax brackets for all except those at the very bottom. Those who pay no taxes will not be affected. Soon the “have-nots” will outnumber those who pay. The tipping of this scale and the nation’s growing debt cannot be sustained. Obama’s narrow vision will fail.

By shouting loud enough and long enough that the rich must pay “their fair share” he is creating a group for the “have-nots” to hate, which further divides out nation. Common sense tells us that Americans cannot sustain the current state of the union. The “great experiment” of the Founding Father is teetering on the brink and if the American people fail to recognize the “elephant in the room,” this exceptional nation will perish and the people will be suffocated by Obama’s radical left nightmare, a bigger more intrusive government, and the loss of liberty.

Government “of the people,” “by the people,” and “for the people” will be but words on a page, and the Founding Fathers who risked their very lives to create a nation where liberty and smaller government are valued will have been for nothing. Allegiance to one man is flawed and fleeting. Only allegiance to the principles in the Declaration of Independence, to the Constitution of the United States, and to the promise of America envisioned by the Founders is what will preserve this great nation.

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