April 13, 2016

Roger Stone: Trump Delegates Should Sign a Loyalty Pledge

When I called for Trump supporters to button-hole so-called Trojan Horse Trump delegates in their convention hotels and engage in a dialog with them last week, all hell broke loose.

CNN and Megyn Kelly both took my comments out of context to imply I was calling for violence in Cleveland. As a veteran of the 1968 Nixon campaign, I remember vividly how violence destroyed the campaign of Hubert Humphrey. The Soros-backed professional agitators expected to descend on Cleveland will be trying to incite violence must be ignored by Trump supporters at all costs. Violence would be counterproductive to Trump’s general election drive.

If either CNN or Ms. Kelly had played my entire interview rather than selectively editing it, or any one of the interviews I did they day, they would know I specifically renounced violence while urging an intense “dialog “to press those delegates — who were elected as Trump delegates but were inserted as quislings by the party bosses — not to betray Trump on a second ballot.

These “Trump” delegates give the anti-Trump forces a majority on questions of rules, credentials, and platform — all of which must be ratified or rejected by the full convention before the First ballot for President. This is where the big steal will take place.

Read the entire article

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